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Anderthalb Jahre nach seiner Wiederöffnung muss das Aquarium Sea Life Berlin ends with schliesen and is the best he can do for his geöffnet. In the Miniature World Little Big City, both presented by the Merlin Entertainments Group, it is worth using Tag. After 15 hours, visitors and visitors can come.
“Few Locals have never once turned to a network that has received unbiased attention,” this is a von der Pressestelle. The attractiveness you can see can be decorated, and you can keep an eye on everything else you want.
In November, the holidays were completed, with the financial support of the Gründen at 13. December. Ins Sea Life sees everything on the platforms of the adjacent Riesenaquariums Aquadom is no longer fun to use. A person has a 16 meter high Aquadom woman with the Sea Life Wechselt and thought, this aquarium has never been as good as a sprecher meinte. If you go through the Aquadoms sinkhole, there is a higher chance of a sinkhole.
When Aquadom is released on December 16, 2022, you will see the Wassermassen in the Hotel Lobby – and experience the Sea Life. Weighing Construction work remained in place at the Aquarium and Monate for a long time.
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A new relief is being created for the fish. Look for the inspiration of the Miniaturwelt sei man in Gesprächen mit potenziellen Abnehmern.
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